Step By Step Guide To Declutter Your House


What Is Clutter?

Anything that we do not use, haven’t used for a long time, and don’t intend to use in future is Clutter. Either we use it, love it, or get rid of it.

Feng Shui defines Clutter as “postponed decisions and the inability to move forward.”

We all have to deal with some amount of clutter in our life, be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual. However, when it exceeds a limit, it starts to hold us back and keeps us from making progress.

The age-old saying of Feng Shui is “nothing new gets into our lives until we make space for it.

E.g.; this is the reason all singles men/women who want to get married and sleep on a single bed are advised to bring in a double bed and make space for their partner.

Feng Shui is about attracting harmony and abundance into your life, but clutter blocks good things from reaching you.


Why Do Things Turn Into Clutter?

  1. Maybe it is past the expiry date; it is outdated.
  2. We don’t fit it; It is out of size
  3. We don’t look contemporary in that; it is out of trend.
  4. It has stopped working; it has gone bad.

Whatever may be the reason if there is something which we don’t want to keep at home but still keeping it, falls under the category of Clutter.

How Does Clutter Affect Us?

In terms of Feng Shui, Clutter is low, stagnant, blocked Chi that drains out optimistic energy from us, and pushes us towards a “putting-off-until-tomorrow” mentality rather than a positive “doing-it-today” attitude, thereby reducing the quality of our life to an undesired or sometimes unacceptable level.

Clutter is anything unfinished, unused, unresolved, or hopelessly disorganized.

Things we love or use regularly carry strong, active energy around them. When we do things that we love to do, we add clarity, optimism, and zeal to our life.

On the contrary, when we have to do things which we loathe, or we are surrounded by things we no longer want, or that hold negative memories, or are no longer useful, our life can lack direction.

Studies show that we only use 10-15% of all the things we keep. That means most of us pile rather than file, cluttering our spaces with the items which we may never use.

Some common effects of clutter include low energy levels, misfortune, money problems, blocked creativity, ill health, mental confusion, depression, and much more.

 Why Do We Gather Clutter And Why Is It Tough To Get Rid Of It?

Despite our best efforts, we keep adding things to our life which we may not need. Though we don’t want to be a clutter bug, it happens inadvertently. We may blame it for anything like window shopping, sales offers, discounts, gifts, etc but the list keeps growing. Let’s find out the reasons which make us pile the clutter.

  1. We have no idea what clutter is.
  2. We don’t know for how long we should keep things.
  3. We don’t have any experience in storing things.
  4. We find it tough to organize our house.
  5. We buy more than we need.
  6. We don’t know what to do with the extra stuff.

We do have ways to get rid of clutter; all we need to do is develop some habits.

Develop a habit to be aware and present. Once we start becoming more aware and present of whatever we do and wherever we are, we will stop forgetting things and misplacing items, and very soon, we will have a cleaner and neater home and office.

But, just like any good habit, such as exercise, decluttering isn’t something you do and then it’s done: it’s something you start and then keep doing, it’s a Habit.

Why Should We Declutter?

Clutter has a profound impact on our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. So decluttering is vital to our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

We might not know, but clutter cleaning can have a dramatic effect on our life. In fact, it is the quickest and easiest way to change our life.

Decluttering helps in improving our energy level and inviting fresh & revitalizing energy in our home. Healthy energy is moving energy, that’s what we need inside our house, so deep decluttering is required at regular intervals to get rid of the stagnation.


With Clutter We Have After Decluttering We Have
Low vitality, lethargy Improved energy and interest in life
Bad luck Happy surprises, good fortune
No opportunities or money New opportunities, better finances
Feeling stuck  Life flowing smoothly, active, energized
Melancholy, depression Improved energy and interest in life
Pessimistic Optimistic, forward-thinking and positive
Anger  Happy mood, pleasant feelings

When To Declutter?

Don’t wait to start your cleanup—Do it every Saturday or on No-Moon Day for the best results. We can do it any day, though.

We can do it after we undergo some significant changes in our lives, like starting a new job, recovering from an illness, or even coming back from a vacation.

We have a different perspective after some crucial changes in our lives, and it gets slightly more comfortable with making decisions about what we really need to keep.


Decluttering is a good habit, and a good habit takes time to develop, all we need is dedication, willingness, and discipline.

The age-old proven practice is to clear clutter once a week, and studies show Saturday proves to be the most potent day to do decluttering.

And if it appears time-consuming or boring to you, follow these tips.

  1. Play loud music: Few of us may like to do de-cluttering in silence, but we can play your favorite music while cleaning clutter. We can also play some chantings, bhajans, shabads or some spiritual discourse to add more positivity to the decluttering session.
  2. Wear Something Red: Wear Red or any of the warmer colors. Red or warm colors spurs us into action, and we need a lot of energy and quick decision making while decluttering. Avoid cool colors like Black, Blue or Grey as they attract low-level vibrations and will quickly make us feel tired.

For mental, emotional, and spiritual decluttering, No-Moon (Amavysa) day is the best day, and if it is accompanied by something spiritual, then it gets very effective.

 Where To Start Decluttering From?

People often ask, “Where should we start?” We can prioritize our clutter clearing efforts according to our requirements

We can find out the zones of our home and declutter accordingly. An important aspect of feng shui is the Bagua, a diagram or map of your space that connects different aspects of your life—such as prosperity, relationships, health, or creativity—to different zones in your home.

Even if we don’t know Feng Shui, we can still start decluttering according to our prudence; below are a few areas and items which we should give priority:


  1. We should begin with the spaces that greet us the first, the moment we enter our home.
  2. Clean the area where we spend the most time, viz — Living Room, Family Room,
  3. Clear clutter from the bedroom to improve the relationship between family members.
  4. Remove anything we hate.
  5. Clear out anything that is broken that can’t be quickly fixed or that is not worth fixing.
  6. Immediately get rid of the irritants that can’t be made less irritating.
  7. Remove items that remind us of a painful relationship, event or time in our life.
  8. Get rid of the items that remind us of past failures.
  9. Clear out items that are used less than once a year.


What to Remove and from Where?

Using feng shui to clear the clutter from our house, office, or garden can be an exciting process if we understand, “What removing clutter from our life brings to us.”

Decluttering removes the stagnant and confusing energy from our house and many areas of our life.


Clutter at Entrance

Our home receives its most beneficial energy from the front entrance. Clutter at the entrance can obstruct the positive energy from getting in.

Broken Pots, Dust Bin, Shoes, dilapidated Welcome Mat, Non-Functional Lights, Non-Functional Door Bell, Garbage

Neat and clean entrance allows beneficial Chi to get inside the property. We should also add a beautiful item and auspicious symbols to our front entry to attract more opportunities into our home.


Living Room & Hall

The living area is the place we spend most of the time with our family. Clutter in Living Room can easily disturb the Chi inside the Living Room or Hall.

Shoes, Junk Mail, Laundry, Bags, Old News Papers, and Magazines, Full Ashtrays, Used Cups, Children’s Toys after Bedtime, Fallen Plant Leaves, Unpaid Bills and Unanswered Letters

Getting rid of the clutter from the Living room gives clear thinking to all the inmates and inculcates empathy in them.


Kitchen Clutter
The kitchen represents the state of our health in feng shui. Cleaning the Kitchen will be a big favor to our health energy.

Rotten Fruit & Vegetables, Out-Of-Date Packets & Jars, Unlabeled Boxes in the Freezer, Unused Gadgets, Rarely used Electrical Appliances, Over-Full Waste Bins, Odd Pieces of Crockery, Plastic Bags, Bits of String, Laundry, Crumbs, Fallen Plant Leaves, thing Which Might Come in Handy

Removing the clutter from Kitchen is not only hygienic, but it saves a lot of space also.


Clutter in The Bedroom

Remove everything from the bedroom that doesn’t belong there, including the TV, exercise equipment, work items, and storage items. Clear the clutter under the bed. Declutter and clean your closet.  

Pill Bottles, Cosmetics, Used Tissues, Piles of Clothes, Old Unworn Clothes & Shoes, Full Waste Bins, Piles of Unread Books, Notebooks, & Work Mobile Phone, TV and Music Systems.


Clutter in Children’s Rooms

Sooner we tell the importance of a cleaner room to our Children better it is. In fact, when we clean the Children’s room, we should involve the kids too. Doing decluttering with parents would be fun for the kids also. Gradually it will become a habit, and clearing the clutter won’t look like a task to them.

Broken or Irreparable Toys, Outgrown Toys, Books They Never Look At, Outgrown Clothes, Dry Felt-Tip Pens, Games & Jigsaw Puzzles, with Pieces Missing, Teenager Clutter, Sweet Wrappings & Crisp Packets, Unwashed Clothes, Over-Flowing Wastebins.


Clutter in Bathrooms

Bathroom clutter is the most overlooked clutter in the entire house; not everyone pays attention to the bathrooms. Though it should be the other way round as bathrooms are not treated as positive areas, we should ensure that Bathrooms remain as clean as possible to reduce their negativity.

Full Waste Bins, Empty Bottles & Toothpaste Tubes, Unnecessary Soap Dishes, Unpolished Mirrors, Out-Of-Date Medication, Untried Cosmetic Samples, Bath Oils & Perfumes which are never used.


Clutter in Study

Clutter in Study would reduce the concentration span of the person sitting there to study.

Piles of used paper, Piles of Unread Journals, Out-of-date Books, Cluttered Hard Drives, Notice Boards without out-of-date information, Broken Equipment, Run-down Batteries.

Decluttering study allows the mind to grasp things better and faster.


Clutter in Pooja Room

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. So we should ensure that the sanctity of our Pooja room is maintained by decluttering it at regular intervals.

Torn Photographs, Old Statues of Gods, Old Calendars, Fused Bulbs, Burned Out Agarbatis/Dhoop, etc., Old Decorations, Old Clothes of Gods, Faded Flowers, Dry Flowers


Car Clutter

We often don’t pay attention to the things inside our cars, however, gradually these things increase, and they take the form of unwanted clutter.

Rattles Left Unfixed, A worn-out Spare Tyre, Spent Lamps, Confectionery Wrappers, Cartons, Car Park Tickets, Rubbish in the Boot, Defective CDs/DVDs/Pen Drives, Dirty Clothes, Unwanted Spare Parts, Old Magazines


Garden / Roof Clutter

Garden & Roof clutter requires special attention as they are outside our house and tend to get clutter quickly. Regular clutter cleaning a garden takes a lot of effort, but it gives rich dividends too.

Old broken Pots, Dry Plants, Pots with Stagnant Water, Any kind of Junk not Needed, Old Pipes, Furniture, Rugs, etc.

About The Consultant

Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner. 

Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.

Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at

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  1. Nichole

    Amazing tips. Easy to follow. The best part is it’s easy to understand and implement.

    • At Denesh Atrish

      Thanks, Nichole we are glad that you liked it.

  2. Priyanka

    Wonderful topic and explaned beautifully covering various aspects and all places of the home.

    • dineshk

      Thanks Priyanka, hope it works for you!


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